The Burnout Recovery Method™️ course will help you reduce stress faster so you can eliminate burnout and prioritize yourself... guilt free


Stress is sabotaging your success

You have busted your butt to make your business vision your reality. Why are you allowing stress, chaos, and your inner critic to ruin your dream?

  • You are tired of this grind and know there has to be a better way operate.
  • You feel like you are losing or failing because you just can't get your shit together.

You can build a business based on your strengths, turn up the volume on your inner bad-ass

while silencing your inner critic, and take control of your chronic stress.


The Burnout Recovery Method™️ course will help you recover from burnout faster by stopping your excuses and taking responsibility of the root cause of your chronic stress.


The Burnout Recovery Method™️ takes the guesswork out of the burnout recovery process.

The Burnout Recovery Method™️ is a self-guided online course that leads you on a unique path based on what you need and the root cause of your burnout.

What's Inside The Burnout Recovery Method™️?

The Burnout Recovery Method is different from any other burnout recovery solution available. Here is what you will learn:

Step 1: CAUSE

You will be introduced to six tools that will help you discover the root cause of your burnout. It’s the starting point of your recovery journey so that you create a path that addresses the correct problems with the right solutions.

Taking this step is what allows you to have confidence that you are making the right decisions in your burnout recovery because you are treating the actual source of your problems.


This step guides you through establishing your priorities so that you have an anchor for your decisions. You are also going to build an awareness of what stresses you out and how to your stress response gets triggered. As well as begin to work on the habits and mindset that is at the root of your burnout.

I know you want to be present in your life. Anchoring your decisions with the things that are most important to you will allow you to be a better parent, spouse, partner, friend.

Step 3: CHANGE

At this point, you will be ready to address the physical and mental changes you will need to make. The coping mechanisms and behaviors that coddled your burnout will need to be addressed so that you can phase that behavior out, and usher healthier thoughts and ideas in.

Step 4: GROWTH

Now, you will get powerful tools that will help you adjust to and encourage your changes. Tools like boundaries, managed expectations, and managing your emotions. You get to build a world around you that allows you to flourish and be successful.

You will no longer be a passive player and watch your life go by – you will be actively making choices and moving forward.


You will create a long-term, sustainable plan to keep you from burning out again. You will find your resilience and set your pillars deep into the ground, so that the foundation you have built during recovery stays strong.

You have worked hard to make some significant changes that will make your life better and allow you to flourish. Creating a long-term plan keeps you focused and moving forward.

Ready to tell your stress to take a hike?

Get instant access to:

  • Five modules that take you step-by-step through your burnout recovery journey. Each lesson is short, sweet, and to the point.
  • An invitation to the private Facebook group that will help you build a critical support network. You need a shoulder to lean on.
  • Group Zoom calls for you to ask specific, pressing questions.
  • Additional tips and strategies for stress management, emotional regulation, and to build resilience.

Complimentary Add-Ons:

  • Founding Members only: Access to my online boundary creation course – Stop Being A Doormat – FOR FREE.
  • Founding Members only: Weekly group Zoom calls you can take advantage of for a more personalized experience.
  • 80 Boundary Scripts ebook
  • Stress Relief Toolkit
  • Managing Stress By Managing Emotions Webinar

ALL of this is included when you invest in The Burnout Recovery Method™️ online course for $497*.


(*This is limited-time Founding Member pricing. Jump on it before the Founding Member group fills up!)


You will get instant access!

"Before The Burnout Recovery Method™️ , I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and unfocused. I was totally stressed out. Now, I finally feel like myself (only better) for the first time in years. My business is running smoother and it is now only a part of who I am."

— Kathryn J.

What's possible for you when you aren't sunk by your stress, worry, and inability to focus?

  • Create and focus on your priorities, what is most important to you.
  • Know and feel like you are enough because you are no longer focused on other people’s interests.
  • Enforce your boundaries and command the respect of those around you.
  • Build a life and a schedule that isn’t driving you crazy, rather it’s allowing you to be present.
  • Lead with authority and confidence toward your vision and goals.

The Burnout Recovery Method™️ combines “the what,” “the why,” and “the how” to create a transformation. You will be learning from battle-tested strategies and tools that help you build the life you need and want

This course is for you if...

  • You are a female business owner, entrepreneur, leader, manager, and/or high achiever that has achieved an enviable level of success – but you so. Damn. Exhausted.
  • You’re committed to doing the powerful (and sometimes hard) work that allows you to become the best version of yourself.
  • You are coachable, decisive, and open-minded to new possibilities and solutions. (And have a sense of humor!)
  • You want to find a balance that is based on your goals, natural strengths, and natural talents.
  • You’re ready to burn it all to the ground because your stress and anxiety have robbed you of your sanity and peace.

Hello, I'm Jennifer!

My recovery from burnout was complicated and confusing because I couldn’t find a reliable roadmap. I have spent the last 13 years researching and refining burnout recovery options that actually work.

Women need their own burnout recovery solution

I learned that women are twice as likely to burnout because we have to battle inflexible work environments that were built for men, as well as, be responsible for a lot of “invisible labor” that is not expected of men. (Invisible work = cooking, cleaning, parenting, emotional caregiving to colleagues, and more.)

As a business owner – a female business owner - I felt alone with my struggle and embarrassed about burning out. Everyone else seemed to be happy and have it together – what was wrong with me?


When I was stuck in burnout, I destroyed my confidence, ruined relationships, and harmed my physical and mental health. No one around me seemed to understand the tremendous amount of stress and responsibility that I felt.


I didn’t want out of my business, I wanted out of the prison of stress I had built for myself.

I began to research stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

Why are you continuing to allow burnout to

rob you of your health and security?

The longer you put off your decision to recover from burnout, the more your stress steals from you. Stop missing opportunities, and start experiencing your transformation and tasting a life that empowers your happiness.

Burnout recovery gets more difficult and more complicated the longer you allow it to continue. 

Stop wondering why you are stuck.


  • Stop thinking you don’t deserve happiness and success.
  • Stop allowing stress and exhaustion to be an obstacle that prevents you from focusing your needs and desires.
  • Stop using unproven methods to treat your burnout and manage your stress.
  • Stop taking generic advice from the internet!
  • Stop the overwhelm, anxiety, and frustration that you feel day in and day out.
  • Stop waiting for someone to save you.

It’s time to conquer your burnout, minimize your stress, and manage your emotions to lead a more fulfilling life with The Burnout Recovery Method.


Still have questions? I have answers!

How much does it cost?

The Burnout Recovery Method™️ is being offered at a Founding Member price of $497.

The Founding Member price will be available for a limited time.  

What is included in The Burnout Recovery Method™️ online course?

You get access to all of the lessons within the 5-steps of The Burnout Recovery Method™️, a private Facebook group to ask questions and receive support from others, regular group Zoom calls.  

What makes The Burnout Recovery Method™️ work when so many of the burnout recovery options don’t?

The Burnout Recovery™️ method is based on personal and scientific research, as well as, tested on hundreds of 1:1 clients. It takes the guesswork out of what solutions are right for your issues by getting to the root cause of your burnout, then offering resolutions based on your specific obstacles.

I've tried self-care, but it doesn't work.

This program is not about self-care. In fact, I am not a fan of it either. There is an entire lesson that explains why self-care is not a complete solution to your burnout woes and what to do instead.  

When can I get started?

The Burnout Recovery Method starts as soon as you enroll. It is a self-paced course, so you can start whenever you want!  

If I am not a woman, a business owner, a leader, or a manager, can I still take this course?

This course is written by a woman, for other women. While The Burnout Recover Method™️ works for both men and women, coaching will be focused on what women need and want. If you are man, you can still utilize the steps and principles!


If you are not a business owner, leader, or manager you are welcome to join this course. Just know that we may touch on topics that will be sensitive to business owners and people who manage employees.  

How will I know if The Burnout Recovery Method™️ is working?

Burnout recovery doesn’t happen in a nice, neat straight line. There are ups and downs, good days and bad days, one step forward and two steps back. The amount of time isn't what matters - it's using the right method of recovery that matches your unique obstacles. Check out this blog post that explains how the recovery often looks and feels in most of us.  

I don’t want to invest money and time into something that will be another failed experience.

And, I don’t want you to! I understand you can’t be 100% sure that The Burnout Recovery Method™️ will work for you – and neither can I.

I want you to be comfortable with this investment in yourself. So, if you sign up and you aren’t satisfied with the program, you have up to 14 days (from the date of purchase) to change your mind for a complete refund.  

Can I take the course at my own pace?

Absolutely! And you should go at your own pace. There is no time limit and no deadlines to finish. 

Is this course a replacement for therapy?

Absolutely not. It is also not a replacement or substitute for mental healthcare. 


I don't have time to take a whole course! I want a faster solution.

Whew! Do I understand that feeling! There is no such thing as a quick fix to burnout. This course was built so you can go at your own pace and do the work whenever it fits your schedule. This is an investment in your physical and mental health. You will gain self-awareness that will allow you to become happier and less-stressed.